The Council for the Promotion of the Public Understanding of Science PAS

Fields of interest: working out the forms of  integration and cooperation between institutions dealing with the promotion and dissemination of science; initiating the endeavours aimed at the promotion of the dissemination of science, through mass media; publications and events of mass character (science festivals); initiating of researchrelated to the issues of promotion and the dissemination of knowledge, investigating the possibilities of establishing the cooperation with foreign partners in the field of science advancement after accession to the European Union.

About us

The importance of science and its impact on modern life are rising rapidly. Science has facilitated the advancement of modern civilization – not just in terms of technology, but also in the sociocultural realm. More and more often scientists are being asked important questions: about the influence of man on the biosphere, about the impact of the human-modified environment on natural life, about the future of our Universe, about the demographic forecasts for our species, about the depletion of natural resources...

More than 30 years have now passed since the political transition first began in Poland. It started with the establishment of democratic principles and institutions, eventually allowing Poland to join the European Union. New vistas opened up for education and science, and it became possible to maintain close contacts with the entire scientific world. Our position in the world and in Europe is determined not by our physical effort, but by our contributions to global scientific thought and to technological innovation. In the final tally, it is investments in science that will determine whether Poland has adequate healthcare, develops its education and culture, and whether our talented young people contribute to Poland’s future or decide to emigrate to other European countries. Modern science transcends national borders, and in many fields it has become a collaborative endeavor on the part of teams with over 100 members. We have become involved such cooperation, working both in Poland and in foreign laboratories. The number of NGOs, foundations, and associations promoting natural and social sciences and the development of new technologies is constantly on the rise. We wish to cooperate with them, and also with a growing number of media initiatives – in print and online. Having a well-educated society is crucial for our ability to understand the world, to successfully function in it, and to act in partnership.

The Council for the Propagation of Science of the Polish Academy of Sciences seeks to be an informational platform and initiator of science-popularization activities. We want to support such activities on the part of representatives of the world of science, presenting science and research work as being important and creative, as advancing civil society, as building an educational bridge that is understandable for everybody. This is the only way Polish science can win over its most important partners: members of the Polish public, regardless of age or profession.


Magdalena Fikus